The World's #1 Negotiation Podcast Just Got Better.

Pure, Personalized…premium

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Do you Struggle With Difficult Conversations?

You are not alone.

Does this sound familiar?

You often imagine the stress and missed opportunities from conversations gone wrong.

Whether you realize it or not, every day, you engage in negotiations, from discussing roles and responsibilities at work to deciding what to do for dinner. But are you maximizing these opportunities? Without the right skills, you could be leaving value on the table—value that could define the trajectory of your life both at work, and home.

What if...

You walked into every conversation equipped with the confidence, mindset, AND skillset to transform potential conflicts into productive dialogue. What difference would it make in your life if every difficult conversation could be a step towards success rather than a source of anxiety?

The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations.

We can help make this vision a reality.

Enter the realm of confident conversations with

Negotiate Anything Premium.

Where every feature is designed to empower you. From full-length, unfiltered episodes that delve deeper into negotiation tactics to direct access to expert advice via our exclusive Ask Me Anything sessions, each element is tailored to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy a curated, ad-free listening experience that lets you focus on what truly matters—mastering the art of negotiation to ensure you not only survive, but thrive in every negotiation.

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Why is Negotiate Anything Premium Your

Ultimate Negotiation Tool?

Exclusive Content

From bonus episodes to behind the scenes.

Ask Me Anything

Your burning questions, answered.

Ad-Free Listening

Keep your focus sharp and your skills sharper.

Extended Episodes

Deeper Insights, Richer Learning.

Uninterrupted. Unparralelled.

Dive deeper without distractions. Enjoy pure, uninterrupted content that keeps your focus sharp and your skills sharper.

Personalized Guidance at Your Fingertips.

Stuck on a tough negotiation? Submit your questions and get personalized, actionable advice to tackle your toughest challenges head-on.

Curated Content. Straight to the Point.

No more endless searching. Our organized categorized episodes bring you exactly what you need, when you need it. Access focused feeds that simplify every conversation.

Full Conversations. Unfiltered Insights.

Experience each episode in its entirety, from start to finish. Gain a competitive edge with uncut content that ensures you don't miss any expert strategies or insights.

Exclusive Content.

Insider Access.

Dive into exclusive sessions where negotiation isn't just discussed—it's demonstrated. Gain actionable insights from deep dives and real-life stories that turn theoretical knowledge into practical mastery.

You're in good company.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Whether you feel like a pro or a beginner at negotiating, this podcast is a MUST listen! Kwame does incredible job of breaking down the science of negotiation, through thoughtful insights, data, and phenomenal guests consistently. Do yourself a favor and add this one to the rotation; this podcast will help you in every area of life.


— Apple Podcast Review

Invest in Your Future.

Exceptional value, clear results.



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See You In Premium.


What is Negotiate Anything Premium?

  • Negotiate Anything Premium is an enhanced version of the popular 'Negotiate Anything' podcast, offering subscribers exclusive access to extended episodes, ad-free content, personalized advice through AMA sessions, and more. Designed to help you master the art of negotiation in both personal and professional realms.

How can I join the prelaunch waitlist?

  • Joining the prelaunch waitlist is easy! Simply click the 'Join the Waitlist' button on our homepage, enter your email address, and you’ll be the first to receive updates and exclusive offers as we approach the launch date.

What benefits do prelaunch subscribers receive?

  • Prelaunch subscribers gain early access to information about Negotiate Anything Premium, including sneak peeks of upcoming features and special discount offers available only to those on the waitlist.

When does Negotiate Anything Premium officially launch?

  • The official launch date for Negotiate Anything Premium is June 4th. We're excited to bring you a richer, more in-depth negotiation learning experience starting then.

Are there any special offers for those who sign up early?

  • Yes! Early subscribers who join our prelaunch waitlist will receive an exclusive discount for their first subscription period. Details will be provided closer to the launch date, so make sure you’re signed up to receive all the updates.

What kind of exclusive content can I expect?

  • Subscribers will have access to new premium-only episodes uploaded weekly that include deeper dives into negotiation strategies, behind-the-scenes content, extended interviews, and more—all designed to give you an edge in your negotiation skills.

Can I cancel my subscription if I change my mind?

  • Absolutely. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Our goal is to provide you with valuable content that meets your needs, without any hassle.

How will Negotiate Anything Premium differ from the free version of the podcast?

  • Negotiate Anything Premium offers more than just the regular podcast episodes. It includes extended content, no advertisements, personalized AMA sessions, and organized content feeds to enhance your learning experience and help you negotiate better than ever.